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WANTED: Grants, investors, advisors, green roof space, and partners - To start a "B-Corporation"* in Queens, NYC, based on products from local beekeepers and beehives.
*"Benefit Corporation" benefits the triple bottom line = society + environment + stakeholders



Queens Apiary Blog:


T-shirt Fundraiser:















Queens Apiary Goals:

- Create better society and environment through innovations in sustainable beekeeping, urban farming (permaculture), off-grid living, net-zero (energy self-sufficient) buildings, manufacturing, distribution, and waste management.

- Create benefit not just for the shareholders, but bees, people, workers, society, and the environment. "What's good for bees is good for people."

- Follow best practices and beyond in sustainability, diversity, equality, and food justice.

- Proactively hire people with disabilities.

- Create a workplace that is a "calling" and a place of growth and development.

- Aim for zero waste, zero carbon footprint.

- Stop the widening gap between 1% and 99%.

- Promote urban farming and permaculture.

​- Help eliminate GMO's, synthetic pesticides and non-organic/mono-crop agriculture by 2020.


What is a B-Corporation?

Queens Apiary is a project initially funded via



Featured in a Documentary on Urban Beekeeping:


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